
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I sure hope Nader is full of shit on this one... 

Nader tells youths to brace for draft...

Oh boy.

people had something to say.

Ahh, good old socialist oppression: Kill the opposition! 

Florida Democrats seek the execution-style murder of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld...

A copy of the ad in the paper...

Some highlights:

Thanks Drudge Report!

people had something to say.

I always wanted a Volvo, but this would get annoying 

A car that keeps you awake...

"Ford spokesman Mike Vaughn said they tested computerized optical scanning and a variety of warnings: a vibrating steering wheel, the sound of a car driving over rumble strips and a visual warning projected on the windshield. Researchers also tested a so-called "active" system in which the vehicle would actually adjust the steering automatically if it veered too far one way or the other."

Well, at least its not beeping or something. That would annoy me to no end. And a car that drives itself? Sounds dangerous to me.

people had something to say.

Monday, April 12, 2004

"Canada is a delightfully authoritarian country..." 

Slippery slope reaches new low...

I want to preface this with a statement: I have never advocated the slandering, harming, or a bias against anyone based on their race, color, creed, sexual orientation, or sex.

"It would add "sexual orientation" to the Canadian hate propaganda law, thus making public criticism of homosexuality a crime."

"Since Canada has no First Amendment, anti-bias laws generally trump free speech and freedom of religion. A recent flurry of cases has mostly gone against free expression. The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission ruled that a newspaper ad listing biblical passages that oppose homosexuality was a human-rights offense. The commission ordered the paper and Hugh Owens, the man who placed the ad, to pay $1,500 each to three gay men who objected to it."

This shit is insane. And its exactly where this country is headed. To anyone who will listen: THERE IS NO RIGHT TO NOT BE OFFENDED IN THE BILL OF RIGHTS! If someone's ideas offend you, go where they are not. For instance: I dont like most liberals. I find their desire for US sovriegnity to be second to the UN offensive. I find their desire for wealth re-distribution offensive. I find their desire for me to be un-armed and only the government to be armed (I.E. a POLICE STATE) OFFENSIVE. So, I dont associate with them.

Too bad Canadians already gave up their right to arms. May as well have, anyway.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. --Thomas Jefferson."

people had something to say.