Thursday, November 11, 2004
National Transportation Safety Board to require Black Boxes
Black Boxes required in all new cars
Only over my decaying corpse will my money be spent with one of those in it.
Its a good thing that I think so poorly of new vehicles anyway. Nothing like a car I can work on...
This Big Brother shit has got to stop.
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Only over my decaying corpse will my money be spent with one of those in it.
Its a good thing that I think so poorly of new vehicles anyway. Nothing like a car I can work on...
This Big Brother shit has got to stop.
people had something to say.
Bill Cosby: Right on the nose, again
Every race needs a man like him. Someone who speaks their mind, and the truth, without fear of repurcussion. As much as I hate PC-ness, it does have its place. However, when being PC obscures what needs to be said, namely the truth, then the time for being PC has ended.
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"When I say, 'I don't care what white people think,' I mean that. I mean, I'm addressing my people, period," he told CNN. "I'm telling you. I want all this loud profanity in the street stopped. ... I want you to stop doing things that are detrimental to your getting at least an education with a high school credential. I'm talking to the people who are dropping out."
Even if all this means taking a hit in his popularity?
"Maya Angelou said, 'You know, Bill, you're a very nice man, but you have a big mouth,' " he said. "So I just want to be the big mouth and make them work, make them work, make ... make them think."
Every race needs a man like him. Someone who speaks their mind, and the truth, without fear of repurcussion. As much as I hate PC-ness, it does have its place. However, when being PC obscures what needs to be said, namely the truth, then the time for being PC has ended.
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This is where our education system is going...
LA school suspends a student for cartwheels
Ok, so she should have listened to her teachers and stopped. But, suspension for a week? WTF? I graduated from highschool not 3.5 years ago, in May 2001. Shit, the junior high kids were still playing "King of the Hill" on a mound of dirt we had. Rough and tumble stuff. No one got suspended, and the VP would look at a hurt student when they complained and say "Well, what did you expect?" and mutter "dumbass" when he was walking away, much to my amusement.
Next to them, would be the basketball players, at the outdoor goal in the "waiting area" for lunch and before school. Rough streetball kind of BBall. Unless it came to fisticuffs, nothing was said. If girls were doing cartwheels, all that might have been said would be "move over there, to the open area" where they had less obstacles and less people. What has our country come to?
Apparently, it does. *sigh*
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Deirdre Faegre was suspended for a week after repeatedly disobeying school officials who told her not to perform gymnastic stunts during lunchtime.
"Our first concern is the safety of all children," San Jose-Edison Academy Principal Denise Patton told the San Gabriel Valley Tribune.
Ok, so she should have listened to her teachers and stopped. But, suspension for a week? WTF? I graduated from highschool not 3.5 years ago, in May 2001. Shit, the junior high kids were still playing "King of the Hill" on a mound of dirt we had. Rough and tumble stuff. No one got suspended, and the VP would look at a hurt student when they complained and say "Well, what did you expect?" and mutter "dumbass" when he was walking away, much to my amusement.
Next to them, would be the basketball players, at the outdoor goal in the "waiting area" for lunch and before school. Rough streetball kind of BBall. Unless it came to fisticuffs, nothing was said. If girls were doing cartwheels, all that might have been said would be "move over there, to the open area" where they had less obstacles and less people. What has our country come to?
Patton said Deirdre could accidentally strike another student, or injure herself, and other children could get hurt trying to imitate Deirdre, who has been doing gymnastics for five years.
Deirdre's father, Leland Faegre, said it was absurd to suspend his daughter for doing gymnastics when students were allowed to play basketball and other sports.
"Contact sports, apparently, are fine. But this one is so dangerous it requires the cartwheel cops," Faegre said.
Apparently, it does. *sigh*
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Of all the stupid things....
ABC affiliates refusing to show Saving Private Ryan
Damnit. Its Veteran's Day, and the goobermint's broadcasting Jack-Booted Thugs have people running scared to air a good movie, full of realism. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over? What movies are they going to passively ban next?
Schindler's List?
Das Boot?
Green Berets?
The Longest Day?
Pearl Harbor?
The Battle of the Bulge?
Tora Tora Tora?
*shakes head in disgust*
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Damnit. Its Veteran's Day, and the goobermint's broadcasting Jack-Booted Thugs have people running scared to air a good movie, full of realism. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over? What movies are they going to passively ban next?
Schindler's List?
Das Boot?
Green Berets?
The Longest Day?
Pearl Harbor?
The Battle of the Bulge?
Tora Tora Tora?
*shakes head in disgust*
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Sunday, November 07, 2004
No shit, Sherlock!
Hollywood and the Election
No fucking shit people. That's like asking if water is wet. "Fly-over Country" thinks about as much of some elitist hippy Hollywood douche-bag's opinion as Chirac's opinion.
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Post-Election, Hollywood Seen as Liability to Left
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hollywood is licking its wounds after an election that saw voters not only reject the candidate it anointed -- Democrat John Kerry -- but repudiate the values that the liberal stronghold cherishes.
Now, amid the second-guessing and recriminations that inevitably haunt the losing side, some are beginning to ask: Has Hollywood become a liability to the Democrats?
No fucking shit people. That's like asking if water is wet. "Fly-over Country" thinks about as much of some elitist hippy Hollywood douche-bag's opinion as Chirac's opinion.
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Open Letter To The DNC
Open Letter To The Democratic Party: How You Could Have Had My Vote
Found via Instapundit. I dont agree with all of what she said, but any DNC member should read it. The DNC screwed up, and they think they did for all the wrong reasons.
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Found via Instapundit. I dont agree with all of what she said, but any DNC member should read it. The DNC screwed up, and they think they did for all the wrong reasons.
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Bill Clinton: Why Bush Won (Or: Fisking material)
New York Post via Drudge
Also, the Dems make more noise because they work less hours. Ever wonder why you don't see conservatives doing mass protests? Because, it takes a lot to get a day off, and the ability to walk around with a hastily-made sign doesn't make up the difference in lost pay.
People often find it difficult to escape the bullet of their own past in politics. Only they will determine wether they are armored for that bullet, much like Bush admitting to his previous drug and alcohol problems. It immediatly became a non-issue.
And as far as a "new excuse to murder people," this statement just solidifies how ignorant you are about terrorism. Their "excuses to murder people" are "because they are Christian/Meddling in Middle East affairs/Support Israel/are American." I hardly think they will run out of reasons just because Arafat is dead. His death will exacerbate terrorism and conflict in the region.
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November 6, 2004 -- Former President Bill Clinton, in his first comments on President Bush's re-election, yesterday urged Democrats not to "whine" about the outcome, but to find a "clear national message."Yes, like "Ok, we will stop being so divisively liberal. We have sought mental counseling and have kicked Kerry out of the party."
Reminded of terrorism by the bin Laden tape, voters decided they didn't want to "change horses" during a time of heightened concern over national security, Clinton said in a speech to the Urban Land Institute at the New York Hilton.I doubt Osama had much to do with it. Even if he could quote *spit*Michael Moore*spit*. And the issue of Gay Marriage should have brought the liberal supporters of Kerry out in droves. Hell, even I voted against my state's amendment (however, I voted Bush, begrudgingly). Basically, this is SOP of the DNC, "Pass the buck", or in this case, blame, off to some party that they couldn't control and can work the troops up to bleat about their evils. Like the evils of the "family-oriented" fly-over country, who just love giving the middle finger to socialist peacenik urbanites in Chicago and the coasts.
Clinton said Hispanic voters tilted to Bush because of terrorism fears, as did suburban "soccer moms," who Clinton said turned into "the security moms of 2004."
Clinton also said that Democrat John Kerry was hurt by the polarizing issue of gay marriage, which was legalized by Massachusetts' top court and put on the ballot in 11 states, and the surfacing of a tape from Osama bin Laden in the final days of the race.
He also said that while Democrats registered more new voters than Republicans, the Bush campaign did a better job of getting voters to the polls who were already registered but had not previously voted.This is where the parties differ. Dems, who believe that society knows better than the individual, also have the twisted idea that their base can be motivated to action for longer than 18 picoseconds, unless it involves vandalism, destructively and violently protesting, or some other "right" they don't have. However, the GOP knows that their base has a pilot light that must be 'lit' with the spark of one of their pet issues. Once the flame is burning, the fuel finds a way to naturally increase to the point of action being taken. Remember, the bible-thumping Cary Nation conservatives twisted congress and the states into prohibition in just a few years.
Also, the Dems make more noise because they work less hours. Ever wonder why you don't see conservatives doing mass protests? Because, it takes a lot to get a day off, and the ability to walk around with a hastily-made sign doesn't make up the difference in lost pay.
Despite the GOP victory, the former president — whose wife Hillary is already being mentioned as the top contender for the White House in 2008 — said Democrats "shouldn't be all that discouraged" by Kerry's defeat.Yeah, the truth hurts, doesn't it? What you mean, Mr. Clinton, is that the Dems weren't able to completely and convincingly lie about their true nature. And we know all about Hitlery and her "true nature," which makes the suggestion of her as POTUS all the more mind-boggling after the defeat the DNC was just handed with Kerry, Edwards (getting his seat handed to a Repub), and Daschle. I just can't figure out why the DNC keeps going backwards. Are they in a French Tank or something, and its stuck in gear? Either they learn, or they fade away. I continually hope for the latter.
Clinton said it would be "a mistake for our party to sit around and . . . whine about this and that or the other thing."
Clinton attributed Kerry's loss to the Democrats' failure to combat how they were portrayed by Republicans to small-town America.
"If we let people believe that our party doesn't believe in faith and family, doesn't believe in work and freedom, that's our fault," he said.Yes. All your freedom and work belongs to the state, and you should feel happy that we let you have some of it back.
Democrats "need a clear national message, and they have to do this without one big advantage the Republicans have, which is they won't have a theological message that basically paints the other guy as evil," he said.I dont recall the RNC painting Kerry as evil. He pretty much did that himself, with his senate record and his own words.
People often find it difficult to escape the bullet of their own past in politics. Only they will determine wether they are armored for that bullet, much like Bush admitting to his previous drug and alcohol problems. It immediatly became a non-issue.
Clinton said the country was more divided than it was in 1968 and called for an end to the "culture war."Sure. But do you know how difficult it is to actively turn a liberal? It has to be done with their effort. You can't just grab a bottle of "Governmental Common Sense" off the wall and mix it in their drink.
In his hourlong speech Clinton, who had open-heart surgery in September, gave Bush and the Republicans full credit for the election victory.Well, I wouldn't go that far, unless you are talking about terrorism. I always thought handling terrorism was a binary proposition, either you support/harbor them, or you kick their ass. That was right up until I heard Kerry and saw his record. He may not support them, but he sure as hell doesn't seem to be too enthusiastic about kicking their ass.
"The Republicans had a clear message, a good messenger, great organization and great strategy," he said.
Clinton said Bush should use his second term to move toward less dependence on foreign oil.Yeah, lets start opening up some local production, like the Gulf and ANWR, and get thermal depolymerization in high gear. Glad we agree...
"This election presents a great opportunity for President Bush and a great opportunity for Democrats, and the two are not necessarily in conflict," he said.They'll be in conflict just as soon as Pelosi has any say.
The biggest opportunity he noted was the prospect of an Israeli-Palestinian peace amid the impending demise of Yasser Arafat.
Peace in the region would "take enormous steam" out of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism worldwide, Clinton said. "They would have to think of a new excuse to murder people."
And as far as a "new excuse to murder people," this statement just solidifies how ignorant you are about terrorism. Their "excuses to murder people" are "because they are Christian/Meddling in Middle East affairs/Support Israel/are American." I hardly think they will run out of reasons just because Arafat is dead. His death will exacerbate terrorism and conflict in the region.
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