Thursday, June 24, 2004
UN is corrupt through and through. In other news, dog bites man...
Watching the U.N.'s Watchdog:
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"The United Nation's anti-corruption department has been rocked by accusations that the office itself is corrupt. "Something affiliated with the UN is being investigated for corruption? Shocking.
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You know, without the Gorebot I wouldn't have anything to Fisk.
Drudgery: Gore: Bush Lied About al-Qaida, Iraq Link:
Oops, Here is another.
Umm, lets see, where to begin. Even the Russians knew that SoDamned Insane was a threat to us. He was planning attacks in our country (and probably against our forces abroad, but that is speculation). 'No immedeate threat?' Exactly what would constitute an imminent threat to you, Mr. Gore? Not only were they a threat to us, but they were a threat with their refusal to disarm to the entire world. The UN thought so, and even your boss, Bill Clinton thought so. Let's just google the term "Clinton" and "Iraq", as well as adding the word "Terrorism" after a while and see what we come up with.
One. (Its at the bottom, but read the whole article.
Two. Even though the article incorrectly states that no WMD's have been found.
Here, Clinton thought back in 1998 that regime change was in the best interests of Iraq, and indeed the world.
Here is a shitload of terrorist articles, many linking Iraq and Al-Queda. Is Al-Queda a threat, Mr. Gore?
I could go on like this all day.
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"WASHINGTON - Al Gore on Thursday accused President Bush of lying about a link between al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein and said the president refuses to back down from that position to avoid political fallout.Are you retarded? First off, Bush never said there was a direct SoDamned Insane-AQ link. SH's underlings had plenty of them though. Here is one now..
Oops, Here is another.
'They dare not admit the truth lest they look like complete fools for launching our country into a reckless, discretionary war against a nation that posed no immediate threat to us whatsoever,' Gore, the former vice president who lost the presidency to Bush in 2000, said during a speech at Georgetown University Law Center.My God. You really are one fucktardedly moronic individual. Thank the Lord above that you never got into office.
Umm, lets see, where to begin. Even the Russians knew that SoDamned Insane was a threat to us. He was planning attacks in our country (and probably against our forces abroad, but that is speculation). 'No immedeate threat?' Exactly what would constitute an imminent threat to you, Mr. Gore? Not only were they a threat to us, but they were a threat with their refusal to disarm to the entire world. The UN thought so, and even your boss, Bill Clinton thought so. Let's just google the term "Clinton" and "Iraq", as well as adding the word "Terrorism" after a while and see what we come up with.
One. (Its at the bottom, but read the whole article.
Two. Even though the article incorrectly states that no WMD's have been found.
Here, Clinton thought back in 1998 that regime change was in the best interests of Iraq, and indeed the world.
Here is a shitload of terrorist articles, many linking Iraq and Al-Queda. Is Al-Queda a threat, Mr. Gore?
I could go on like this all day.
Mostly sidelined from the presidential race, Gore emerges every few months with another stinging review of the Bush administration. The former vice president, who has grown irate and bellowed in previous appearances, took a more tempered but highly sarcastic tone on Thursday. Gore accused Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney "Anyone know if the Gorebot is like those little electronic pet-key-chains that requires you to pay attention to your puppy and play with it or it will die? Is that what is wrong with the Gorebot, no one is paying attention to him?
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Awful nice of them...
Saudi: Foreigners can carry guns:
Technically, I can have a silenced MP5 or a Tommy Gun and a .500 S&W mag. Do those qualify? Does a Ma Deuce qualify as a personal weapon? It fits on a HMMWV nicely...
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"Saudi Arabia will allow foreigners who feel threatened by the wave of militant violence in the kingdom to carry guns for their protection, Interior Minister Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz said.In other words, SA has felt pressure from those countries whose citizens who were victims of terrorism in SA. In applying pressure and saying "if you can't hack it we will" they realized they couldn't fullfill their obligation and decided to let potential victims arm themselves.
'In principle a Saudi has the right to carry a weapon, if he has a permit. Likewise a foreign resident, if he felt in danger he could get a permit to carry a weapon,' Nayef was quoted as saying by the official Saudi Press Agency on Thursday. 'I mean a personal weapon which a person can have in his own country,' the prince said."In principle? Nice qualifier.
Technically, I can have a silenced MP5 or a Tommy Gun and a .500 S&W mag. Do those qualify? Does a Ma Deuce qualify as a personal weapon? It fits on a HMMWV nicely...
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Jim March needs your help
Jim March just finished Filming "the debate show"
Ok, Jim March, a field representitive for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms was duped into being on a very harassing parody show, called "Crossballs" on Comedy Central, which he was led to fraudulently believe was going to be an honest debate on a show due to air on the MTV Networks. Being the upstanding guy he is, and convinced that there was going to be an honest debate with rational people, he went.
At the link above, you can read the whole gory detail of how the shit hit the fan. Needless to say, it wasn't pretty. The treatment he recieved was absolutely deplorable. At one point, Jim was threatened with a large rock by some lunatic on the show, threatened to the point where Jim felt his life was in danger. If he would have been allowed to carry a defensive firearm by California's draconian gun laws, he would have most likely broken leather. It was that serious.
Now, he is fighting them with every legal means possible. They fraudulently conned him into signing a release that did not pertain to the show he was actually filming, and many other things that rendered the contract null and void. He has a lawyer who I think is helping him Pro Bono, but needs our help. Its the least we can do, as Jim March is one of the biggest pro-2nd Amendment activists in all of California, plus a paid California Lobbyist to boot.
All you have to do is post a link to his lawyer's site to increase his Google rating. the site is and he would like it to be linked with the words "Airplane Pictures." Just like this:
Airplane Pictures.
I would really appreciate it if you would do that. I personally hope that Comedy Central airs the show anyway, so that Jim March can sue the holy shit out of them and make them think twice about exploiting people for their personal gain.
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Ok, Jim March, a field representitive for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms was duped into being on a very harassing parody show, called "Crossballs" on Comedy Central, which he was led to fraudulently believe was going to be an honest debate on a show due to air on the MTV Networks. Being the upstanding guy he is, and convinced that there was going to be an honest debate with rational people, he went.
At the link above, you can read the whole gory detail of how the shit hit the fan. Needless to say, it wasn't pretty. The treatment he recieved was absolutely deplorable. At one point, Jim was threatened with a large rock by some lunatic on the show, threatened to the point where Jim felt his life was in danger. If he would have been allowed to carry a defensive firearm by California's draconian gun laws, he would have most likely broken leather. It was that serious.
Now, he is fighting them with every legal means possible. They fraudulently conned him into signing a release that did not pertain to the show he was actually filming, and many other things that rendered the contract null and void. He has a lawyer who I think is helping him Pro Bono, but needs our help. Its the least we can do, as Jim March is one of the biggest pro-2nd Amendment activists in all of California, plus a paid California Lobbyist to boot.
All you have to do is post a link to his lawyer's site to increase his Google rating. the site is and he would like it to be linked with the words "Airplane Pictures." Just like this:
Airplane Pictures.
I would really appreciate it if you would do that. I personally hope that Comedy Central airs the show anyway, so that Jim March can sue the holy shit out of them and make them think twice about exploiting people for their personal gain.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Please please please, for the love of Pete, insert a * target="_blank" * in your links. I absolutely hate having to use the backbutton when I am reading blogs, because I lose my place, sometimes I like to read the blogger's opinion interspersed with the article itself, and/or I might want to blog it myself.
New windows are your friend!
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New windows are your friend!
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From the Left Media's "To be kept under wraps" file...
United Press International: 9/11 panel: New evidence on Iraq-Al-Qaida:
Its terrible of us to ambush the left with those mean old facts. Its a conspiracy, dontchya know.
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"John F. Lehman, a Reagan-era GOP defense official told NBC's 'Meet the Press' that documents captured in Iraq 'indicate that there is at least one officer of Saddam's Fedayeen, a lieutenant colonel, who was a very prominent member of al Qaida.'"
Its terrible of us to ambush the left with those mean old facts. Its a conspiracy, dontchya know.
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Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin points out just how "non-partisan" certain watchdog groups are. Kind of obvious, but good nonetheless.
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Michelle Malkin points out just how "non-partisan" certain watchdog groups are. Kind of obvious, but good nonetheless.
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The truth about Waffles
Via Heartless Libertarian: Useful Fools: Kerry Smeared His Country and The Press is Hiding It:
Go read it. Good stuff, good links.
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Go read it. Good stuff, good links.
people had something to say.
U.S. threatens to abandon Saudis and their oil
Found via Mad Ogre Threat comes in wake of Paul Johnson's beheading
I cant really say I would cry much. As much as I support the military action in Iraq, I would support getting completely out of SA more. Sanctions, possible military action, the works. They have infinitely more terror connections than Iraq did.
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I cant really say I would cry much. As much as I support the military action in Iraq, I would support getting completely out of SA more. Sanctions, possible military action, the works. They have infinitely more terror connections than Iraq did.
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As the noose tightens....
Coalition strikes Zarqawi safe house :
Ever get the feeling someone doesn't like you? That someone doesn't want to see you safe? That someone wishes harm to you? Laser-guided bombs might be the clue you need to determine that.
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"Coalition forces Tuesday night conducted the second strike within a week on a site in Fallujah believed to be a safe house for suspected terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a senior coalition official said.
U.S. Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt said the strike was directed at a target in central Fallujah, and was based on 'multiple confirmations of actionable intelligence.'"
Ever get the feeling someone doesn't like you? That someone doesn't want to see you safe? That someone wishes harm to you? Laser-guided bombs might be the clue you need to determine that.
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THIS is the way it is fucking done!!!
Found via THR and seen on AIR Afghans behead Taliban in revenge for beheadings
HELL YEAH!!! THAT is the way you fucking combat terrorism. Show those motherfuckers that their shit will NOT be tolerated. Personally, I would rather stick dynamite up their ass and send them back to camp, but its a start.
people had something to say.
Afghan soldiers beheaded four Taliban fighters after guerrillas cut off the heads of an Afghan interpreter for U.S.-led forces and an Afghan soldier, a government commander said on Tuesday.
HELL YEAH!!! THAT is the way you fucking combat terrorism. Show those motherfuckers that their shit will NOT be tolerated. Personally, I would rather stick dynamite up their ass and send them back to camp, but its a start.
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Monday, June 21, 2004
Castro's Bark isn't even scary anymore, much less his bite gumming...
Farkage: Castro Warns Bush Against Launching Attack:
Excuse me for just a sec....(muffled)Bwwwwaaaahahahahaahhahahahahaahahahah....ahahahahahahaaa.... pfffahahahhaahahahahaahahaahhahaa.(/muffled) Oh, boy, you almost...pffahhahahahahaahhahaahaaha... had me for a minute there. I was...pfffwhwaahahaahaah... shaking...paahaaaahahaaaahahahah...with fear. Trembling, I tell you.
Now then. If we wanted your puny island, we would take it. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. And half your population, wether you like it or not, would welcome the economic prosperity.
people had something to say.
"HAVANA - Tens of thousands of Cubans rallied Monday, as Fidel Castro (news - web sites) warned President Bush (news - web sites) against launching a military attack on Cuba, saying it would provoke a mass exodus and an all-out ground war.
Washington has repeatedly denied it is planning any military action against Havana. But an increased tightening of sanctions against the island, along with the Bush administration's pre-emptive strike on Iraq, has convinced the Cuban leadership that a military attack is not impossible. 'Do not try crazy adventures such as surgical strikes or wars of attrition using sophisticated techniques because you could lose control of the situation,' Castro said in a speech addressed specifically to Bush before the morning. 'You could shatter the immigration agreement and provoke a mass exodus that we would not be in a position to prevent, and you could bring about an all-out war between young American soldiers and the Cuban people,' he said. 'That would be very sad.' "
Excuse me for just a sec....(muffled)Bwwwwaaaahahahahaahhahahahahaahahahah....ahahahahahahaaa.... pfffahahahhaahahahahaahahaahhahaa.(/muffled) Oh, boy, you almost...pffahhahahahahaahhahaahaaha...
Now then. If we wanted your puny island, we would take it. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. And half your population, wether you like it or not, would welcome the economic prosperity.
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UN bitches about US's use of revenue from Iraqi Oil
Drudgery: UN hypocracy
Wait, let me get this straight. The Useless Nincompoops are going to berate the United States for doing something fraudulent, when they don't have proof of the act, just an oversight which could lead to fraud. The same people who aided SoDamned Insane in fattening his wallet and adding several presidential palaces. The same people who funded SoDamned Insane's death camps. The same people who represent worldwide corruption on an unimaginable scale, all the while preaching honesty and integrity. The same people who are led by a man whose family profited from theOil Presidential Palaces-For-Food program.
Uh huh. Riiiight. And they have the gaul to bitch at us for an oversight (which is no doubt being corrected) which THEY HAVE NO PROOF of someone abusing. Mindboggling.
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United Nations-mandated auditors have sharply criticised the US occupation authority for the way it has spent more than $11bn in Iraqi oil revenues and say they have faced "resistance" from coalition officials.
In an interim report, obtained by the Financial Times, KPMG says the Development Fund for Iraq, which is managed by the US-led Coalition Provisional Authority and channels oil revenue into reconstruction projects, is "open to fraudulent acts".
Wait, let me get this straight. The Useless Nincompoops are going to berate the United States for doing something fraudulent, when they don't have proof of the act, just an oversight which could lead to fraud. The same people who aided SoDamned Insane in fattening his wallet and adding several presidential palaces. The same people who funded SoDamned Insane's death camps. The same people who represent worldwide corruption on an unimaginable scale, all the while preaching honesty and integrity. The same people who are led by a man whose family profited from the
Uh huh. Riiiight. And they have the gaul to bitch at us for an oversight (which is no doubt being corrected) which THEY HAVE NO PROOF of someone abusing. Mindboggling.
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CNN Bias
I was surfing the Communist News Network's website and found compelling evidence of liberal bias. Not that I ever doubted such, but pictures speak louder than words. I will eat my hat when CNN is displaying ads for Dubbya or any other conservative candidate.
*EDIT* They have other ads. Animated ads. And then there is the reporting. And the articles. ALL IN FAVOR OF WAFFLES!!! I am so sick and tired of being inundated with that leftist garbage! NOTE TO CNN: There are other candidates in this race. How about saying something nice about them? Bush, Badnarik, Perutka, even *spit* Nader *spit*. They are all running. You are supposed to be a source of journalism, NEUTRAL journalism with integrity.
Anyone think that we should do an email campaign to get these fucktards to stop making us nauseous with these ads? They would't be there if CNN didn't let them be there. Personally, I am about >< that far from never viewing CNN again. Lets hear it: Email them or no?
Well, I sent this email anyway.
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*EDIT* They have other ads. Animated ads. And then there is the reporting. And the articles. ALL IN FAVOR OF WAFFLES!!! I am so sick and tired of being inundated with that leftist garbage! NOTE TO CNN: There are other candidates in this race. How about saying something nice about them? Bush, Badnarik, Perutka, even *spit* Nader *spit*. They are all running. You are supposed to be a source of journalism, NEUTRAL journalism with integrity.
Anyone think that we should do an email campaign to get these fucktards to stop making us nauseous with these ads? They would't be there if CNN didn't let them be there. Personally, I am about >< that far from never viewing CNN again. Lets hear it: Email them or no?
Well, I sent this email anyway.
I am VERY tired of seeing all these ads for John Kerry. Tired of the slanted articles, slanted reporting, and the huge blinking ads all broadcasting just how biased this network really is.
All the articles I read here on are all touting the virtues of Kerry, while Bush is always cast as the wrong doer. Kerry's opinion is expounded upon, made to read like its the gospel and no one with more than 3 functioning brain cells can dispute the reasoning.
I don't hold Bush in the highest reguard, but I refuse to have the media write my opinions for me. I demand neutral reporting in the journalism I read. Let me make my own opinion from the FACTS. Give Bush the same upbeat reporting you give Kerry, or start tearing up Kerry's record. Either way, give both candidates equal good/bad reporting. Or better yet, just report the facts, without slant! Its a new concept!
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EU faces hard sell on constitution
Not all of EU likes the constitution or EU at all:
Maybe there is a little hope after all. Unfortunately, the low voter turnout in the national referendums is most assuredly due to apathy. Apathy knows no borders, as the US is very aware of.
In other words, the Irish Prime Minister thinks that Europeans are stupid enough to swallow this hogwash. I personally haven't seen many cases to dispute that, outside of the UK. But I do have these damnable Unabashed Relentless American Patriotism Goggles™ on too.
Correction for the previous EU post: It would appear that I can't go over to the EU and live off the system for my life. Unless I become a citizen. Then all bets are off.
Speaking of bets, any takers on how long the EU lasts before
a. economic collapse?
b. becoming the next Anti-American superpower?
c. dissolving?
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Maybe there is a little hope after all. Unfortunately, the low voter turnout in the national referendums is most assuredly due to apathy. Apathy knows no borders, as the US is very aware of.
"However, Bertie Ahern, the Irish prime minister credited with clinching the agreement in Brussels, said he was convinced Europeans would embrace the charter."
In other words, the Irish Prime Minister thinks that Europeans are stupid enough to swallow this hogwash. I personally haven't seen many cases to dispute that, outside of the UK. But I do have these damnable Unabashed Relentless American Patriotism Goggles™ on too.
Correction for the previous EU post: It would appear that I can't go over to the EU and live off the system for my life. Unless I become a citizen. Then all bets are off.
Speaking of bets, any takers on how long the EU lasts before
a. economic collapse?
b. becoming the next Anti-American superpower?
c. dissolving?
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Yet another civilian captured, threatened with beheading
The South Korean .gov decided not to pull any of its troops out, and are sending an additional 3000 men to Iraq. I say "Good on 'em." The only way to beat terrorists is to hunt them down savagely, without pussyfooting around. Giving in to their demands only emboldens them.
Personally, as much as it might be wrong, I can't say I would cry too much if a group like in "Swordfish" actually existed to thwart terrorism. Make the cost of killing the innocent so Goddamned costly to them that they simply don't ever consider it a valid tactic. Ahh, to dream.
This in no way should be interpreted to mean I wish harm to any innocent person of the Islamic faith.
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Who do we believe?
Al Qaeda militants TERRORISTS say they were helped by Saudi forces:
"Al Qaeda militants who kidnapped and killed American engineer Paul Johnson said Sunday on an Islamist Web site that sympathetic Saudi security forces aided their kidnapping operation with police uniforms and vehicles."
What we have to ask ourselves is "Do we believe Al-Queda, or the Saudis?" On the one hand, the Saudi government could be denying it because it is completely false, and Al-Queda is just trying to stir up shit and create distrust between the US and SA. On the other hand, Al-Queda is telling the truth, and is doing so because it will make the US less trustful of Saudi Arabia.
What they dont realize is that if we get enough evidence of Saudi duplicity (they are already on thin ice in my book with the whole OBL connection), we will simply invade. Suddenly, the terror-mongers are on the defensive fighting for their lives, instead of hiding behind the protectionist Saudi government.
48hr rule probably applies here.
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"Al Qaeda militants who kidnapped and killed American engineer Paul Johnson said Sunday on an Islamist Web site that sympathetic Saudi security forces aided their kidnapping operation with police uniforms and vehicles."
What we have to ask ourselves is "Do we believe Al-Queda, or the Saudis?" On the one hand, the Saudi government could be denying it because it is completely false, and Al-Queda is just trying to stir up shit and create distrust between the US and SA. On the other hand, Al-Queda is telling the truth, and is doing so because it will make the US less trustful of Saudi Arabia.
What they dont realize is that if we get enough evidence of Saudi duplicity (they are already on thin ice in my book with the whole OBL connection), we will simply invade. Suddenly, the terror-mongers are on the defensive fighting for their lives, instead of hiding behind the protectionist Saudi government.
48hr rule probably applies here.
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