Saturday, May 22, 2004
USS Enterprise Finally Flies
Slashdot | USS Enterprise Finally Flies
Bring out your Geeks....Bring out your Geeks...Bring out your Geeks...
Ok, I know the NCC-1701 never had a propeller, but it is still pretty damned cool.
Its a simple matter of (power to) weight ratios...
Only I could make something as geeky as Star Trek more geeky by using a couple of applicable Monty Python quotes...
people had something to say.
Bring out your Geeks....Bring out your Geeks...Bring out your Geeks...
Ok, I know the NCC-1701 never had a propeller, but it is still pretty damned cool.
Its a simple matter of (power to) weight ratios...
Only I could make something as geeky as Star Trek more geeky by using a couple of applicable Monty Python quotes...
people had something to say.
Gun Control seems to be losing supporters...
Whither Gun Control?
I can only hope that this is a sign that we are winning. We already have more states with "Shall Issue" Concealed Weapons Permits, and Alaska just adopted Vermont Carry (ie no restrictions on carry whatsoever) last year, along with keeping its permit system for travel to other states. I think Utah is about to consider Vermont carry as well. Hot Damn!
Now if those insane cows Sen. Finestein and Sarah Brady, along with Sen. Schumer could just kick off, we might be able to make some real headway...
people had something to say.
I can only hope that this is a sign that we are winning. We already have more states with "Shall Issue" Concealed Weapons Permits, and Alaska just adopted Vermont Carry (ie no restrictions on carry whatsoever) last year, along with keeping its permit system for travel to other states. I think Utah is about to consider Vermont carry as well. Hot Damn!
Now if those insane cows Sen. Finestein and Sarah Brady, along with Sen. Schumer
people had something to say.
Just one more reason to be glad I dont live in the PRK...
People's Republik of Kalifornia Drivers Face Fines for Long List of Distractions
A bill passed by the California state Senate (search) would subject drivers who talk on the phone, put on makeup, drink, eat, smoke, interact with pets or kids, read, write, tune the radio or program hand-held devices like Blackberries to fines of $35 for the first offense and $150 for the second.
Ok, I dont know what a Blackberry is. But, I have a remote for my radio, that I use so I dont have to take my eyes off the road usually. I just cycle the stations, and adjust the volume. And not interact with kids? Umm, I can see not reaching back and fighting, but there are somethings you have to do. More "Left Coast" bullshit...Ugh.
people had something to say.
A bill passed by the California state Senate (search) would subject drivers who talk on the phone, put on makeup, drink, eat, smoke, interact with pets or kids, read, write, tune the radio or program hand-held devices like Blackberries to fines of $35 for the first offense and $150 for the second.
Ok, I dont know what a Blackberry is. But, I have a remote for my radio, that I use so I dont have to take my eyes off the road usually. I just cycle the stations, and adjust the volume. And not interact with kids? Umm, I can see not reaching back and fighting, but there are somethings you have to do. More "Left Coast" bullshit...Ugh.
people had something to say.
I completely agree with The Cos...
As Cos tells it, we ain't learnt nothin' yet
Well, like I said on MercedesShop, it aint about race, its about education.
Mad Ogre has a much better rant about it than I could ever muster, so I will direct your attention to him.
people had something to say.
Well, like I said on MercedesShop, it aint about race, its about education.
Mad Ogre has a much better rant about it than I could ever muster, so I will direct your attention to him.
people had something to say.
Friday, May 21, 2004
Oil prices finally coming down...
Oil prices close below $40 as Saudi pushes supply hike
"NEW YORK (Reuters) - Oil prices closed below $40 for the first time in 10 days Friday, after Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, proposed that OPEC increase its production quota by more than 2 million barrels a day, a much bigger increase than had been expected. "
About fucking time. I just paid $2.01 a per gallon to fill up the bike. $4.46 for a freaking tank. First time I have ever paid $2 for gas. Goddamnit, I still have to fill up the Benz. After today's relaxing range trip, its looking @ half a tank soon. Damn damn damn.
people had something to say.
"NEW YORK (Reuters) - Oil prices closed below $40 for the first time in 10 days Friday, after Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, proposed that OPEC increase its production quota by more than 2 million barrels a day, a much bigger increase than had been expected. "
About fucking time. I just paid $2.01 a per gallon to fill up the bike. $4.46 for a freaking tank. First time I have ever paid $2 for gas. Goddamnit, I still have to fill up the Benz. After today's relaxing range trip, its looking @ half a tank soon. Damn damn damn.
people had something to say.
Unsurprising interference in the personal choices of teens made by CA legislature...
Bill bans teens from tanning booths:
"The bill passed Thursday despite opposition from tanning salons and Republican lawmakers opposed to 'meddling' in personal choices. 'If this bill passes it proves there's no part of somebody's life this Legislature won't stick its nose into,' said GOP Assemblyman Ray Haynes."
Umm, exactly where have you been, Rep. Haynes? The government has been sticking its nose where it doesnt belong since FDR, and in CA probably before that. You are just now realizing the unintended consequences of a legislature's actions? Again, I must ask: Where the hell have you been? Its called the "Left Coast" for a reason, Ray, and not because of its location on a map.
people had something to say.
"The bill passed Thursday despite opposition from tanning salons and Republican lawmakers opposed to 'meddling' in personal choices. 'If this bill passes it proves there's no part of somebody's life this Legislature won't stick its nose into,' said GOP Assemblyman Ray Haynes."
Umm, exactly where have you been, Rep. Haynes? The government has been sticking its nose where it doesnt belong since FDR, and in CA probably before that. You are just now realizing the unintended consequences of a legislature's actions? Again, I must ask: Where the hell have you been? Its called the "Left Coast" for a reason, Ray, and not because of its location on a map.
people had something to say.
How ironic...
Random Farkage: Irish offended at an ad about voting...
How ironic, its exactly how I feel about voting for President. They are both boobs, so does it matter which one I pick?
people had something to say.
How ironic, its exactly how I feel about voting for President. They are both boobs, so does it matter which one I pick?
people had something to say.
Aaahhhhh, what a wonderful day today...
Best damned day off I have had in months. I went to the range out at Hobb's Recreational area shooting range, off of Hwy 12 east of Rogers. Bit of a drive, but well worth it today.
I got out there with my dad's .22lr single shot, my WASR-10 Full-Cap (AK-style semi-auto), and my Czech 24/47 8mm Mauser, otherwise known as a Laudenboomingthumper. It packs a whollup.
When I arrived, there were a couple of people out there, just doing their thing with some pistols. I set up my target for the .22lr when they paused, and got setup to shoot @ 25yds. Now I dont get to shoot much, so I need some practice nonetheless. I flinch a little, even with ear protection shooting a .22lr. Stop laughing. Anyway, I am just plodding along: chamber, cock, breathe, slowly let half out, sqeeze, pop. Repeat. About 15rds go downrange, and I go to look at my target. Not a single Goddamned hole in the paper. WTF? So, I decide to change where I aim. Nada. One of the guys shooting there tried it. Guy seemed like he knew more than I did by his stance, and I was surprised when he missed. Ok, I had had enough of the .22.
They left, and I had the range to myself. Its not a large range, but its an outdoor range. I felt like I was the only person within 100miles, and that is exactly what I was needing. I had never felt so relaxed. That range is so beautiful. All of Arkansas's splendrous, majestic beauty just everywhere. It didnt feel like I was in the forest perse, but I could look and just 10ft to my left or right was nature like it had never been disturbed. Bird chirping, Butterflys that you never see in the city, a surprising lack of stinging insects and allergens. My oh my, it was exactly what I needed. I could just sigh and feel like I had the whole state to myself, and I just cant adequately describe how wonderfully relaxing it felt to be out there. It wasnt even hot, and there was a gentle breeze. Couldnt ask for more. Well, the Sweedish Bikini team with cold beers...anyway...
So, I bust out the AK when they left. Let the fun begin, hehehe. Blam.......Blam.......Blam.....Blam....Blam...Blam..Blam.Blam.BlamBlamBlamBlamBlam...
BlamBlamBlamBlamBlamBlamBlamBlamBlamBlam...Woohooo! I do about 2 mags worth, just pulling the trigger as soon as I have any sight picture. Damn that was fun!
Ok, now to the serious part. I get out the 8mm Mauser. In all of its steel-buttplated and freshly polyurethaned beauty. I put a towel under my shirt over my shoulder, because otherwise I cant shoot more than 5rds. I am shooting at 25yds, because the last time I shot it @ 100, 3rds out of 10 hit an 8.5x11" sheet of paper. This is with iron sights, which I suck at. Medal of Honor and its Playstation variants doesnt exactly prepare you for that.
Anyway, I slowed my breathing after chambering a round. It was steady on the jackstand (a subsitute for expensive bench resting equipment) and I sqeezed the trigger with the sights where I wanted them. BOOOMTHUMP!!! Well, it was on the paper, and pretty danged close to the dot. 19 more rounds and all of them on paper. Odd thing is that this gun when it gets hot starts sending its shots lower than when it starts, instead of many Remingtons and rising with heat. All in all, a good day.
I later discovered that the .22 shoots 3.5" high @ 10yds! WTF? I most certainly think that a major sight adjustment is in order.
And then, my car started beckoning for me to push it to the limits. It seemed to like the curvy nature of the highway... 35mph corner??? Bah! 55mph and climbing, no tire sqealing and feeling like it wanted more...OOoooh. I get it out on the highway, and it beckons for more gas. Ooooh. 70...75....85...90...95...ahh, that feels good...DAMN. Road construction. Sigh. 15min waiting and creeping along, never getting above 20mph. Ok, so I get out of that. Yay. The car wants more gas....100mph, here I come. Wow, this car just glides along. Its been so long since I did what this car was made for: Cruising the Autobahn. Well, it had to settle for the Arkansabahn. (Ar-kan-sah-baahhn. Say it with me: Arkansabahn.) Otherwise known as I-540. People doing 80-90mph all the time...
Great day, all in all. Hope yalls was great too...
people had something to say.
I got out there with my dad's .22lr single shot, my WASR-10 Full-Cap (AK-style semi-auto), and my Czech 24/47 8mm Mauser, otherwise known as a Laudenboomingthumper. It packs a whollup.
When I arrived, there were a couple of people out there, just doing their thing with some pistols. I set up my target for the .22lr when they paused, and got setup to shoot @ 25yds. Now I dont get to shoot much, so I need some practice nonetheless. I flinch a little, even with ear protection shooting a .22lr. Stop laughing. Anyway, I am just plodding along: chamber, cock, breathe, slowly let half out, sqeeze, pop. Repeat. About 15rds go downrange, and I go to look at my target. Not a single Goddamned hole in the paper. WTF? So, I decide to change where I aim. Nada. One of the guys shooting there tried it. Guy seemed like he knew more than I did by his stance, and I was surprised when he missed. Ok, I had had enough of the .22.
They left, and I had the range to myself. Its not a large range, but its an outdoor range. I felt like I was the only person within 100miles, and that is exactly what I was needing. I had never felt so relaxed. That range is so beautiful. All of Arkansas's splendrous, majestic beauty just everywhere. It didnt feel like I was in the forest perse, but I could look and just 10ft to my left or right was nature like it had never been disturbed. Bird chirping, Butterflys that you never see in the city, a surprising lack of stinging insects and allergens. My oh my, it was exactly what I needed. I could just sigh and feel like I had the whole state to myself, and I just cant adequately describe how wonderfully relaxing it felt to be out there. It wasnt even hot, and there was a gentle breeze. Couldnt ask for more. Well, the Sweedish Bikini team with cold beers...anyway...
So, I bust out the AK when they left. Let the fun begin, hehehe. Blam.......Blam.......Blam.....Blam....Blam...Blam..Blam.Blam.BlamBlamBlamBlamBlam...
BlamBlamBlamBlamBlamBlamBlamBlamBlamBlam...Woohooo! I do about 2 mags worth, just pulling the trigger as soon as I have any sight picture. Damn that was fun!
Ok, now to the serious part. I get out the 8mm Mauser. In all of its steel-buttplated and freshly polyurethaned beauty. I put a towel under my shirt over my shoulder, because otherwise I cant shoot more than 5rds. I am shooting at 25yds, because the last time I shot it @ 100, 3rds out of 10 hit an 8.5x11" sheet of paper. This is with iron sights, which I suck at. Medal of Honor and its Playstation variants doesnt exactly prepare you for that.
Anyway, I slowed my breathing after chambering a round. It was steady on the jackstand (a subsitute for expensive bench resting equipment) and I sqeezed the trigger with the sights where I wanted them. BOOOMTHUMP!!! Well, it was on the paper, and pretty danged close to the dot. 19 more rounds and all of them on paper. Odd thing is that this gun when it gets hot starts sending its shots lower than when it starts, instead of many Remingtons and rising with heat. All in all, a good day.
I later discovered that the .22 shoots 3.5" high @ 10yds! WTF? I most certainly think that a major sight adjustment is in order.
And then, my car started beckoning for me to push it to the limits. It seemed to like the curvy nature of the highway... 35mph corner??? Bah! 55mph and climbing, no tire sqealing and feeling like it wanted more...OOoooh. I get it out on the highway, and it beckons for more gas. Ooooh. 70...75....85...90...95...ahh, that feels good...DAMN. Road construction. Sigh. 15min waiting and creeping along, never getting above 20mph. Ok, so I get out of that. Yay. The car wants more gas....100mph, here I come. Wow, this car just glides along. Its been so long since I did what this car was made for: Cruising the Autobahn. Well, it had to settle for the Arkansabahn. (Ar-kan-sah-baahhn. Say it with me: Arkansabahn.) Otherwise known as I-540. People doing 80-90mph all the time...
Great day, all in all. Hope yalls was great too...
people had something to say.
Once again, that illiterate moron emailed me...
Yall know that bastard from Safety Bullet? Well, he emailed me again. He is now blocked, by the way. I have had my fill of him, so I let the invective and insults fly. Albeit restrained. He is trying to ruin my day, as it was going so well...
His reply:
Look it up its call CAP laws " Child Access prevention"
Ok Go to googe type in your state and Accidental shooting. Now start reading the stories.
Right look at all the dead kids in your state. They had a brain aslo and thier parents were smart yet they are dead. The cold hard truth unless you do something to end accidental shooting your an accident waiting to happne
The people I am CCing are on my team. I want them to see what I have received in my email so they can prepare themselves for this when we put the Safety Bullet on the market. They can't belive you either!
Well, that just means that your team is made up of people just as moronic as you are!
My response:
Ok, I have had my fill of you. I am hereby blocking you from emaling me. I HAVE TOLD YOU BEFORE: DO NOT FUCKING EMAIL ME AGAIN! AND INVEST IN SOME SPELLING AND GRAMMAR LESSONS!
Like I said before you inbred illiterate moron, my state has no such nonsense as Child Access Prevention Laws. We believe in COMMON SENSE AND PARENTING, which you obviously have no clue about. I encourage parents to be responsible in their gun ownership, and put their guns where kids cant get to them, or to leave them unloaded. By the way, in an earlier email you said that a kid could rack the slide and purposely chamber a round. That is nolonger negligent shooting, it is instead HOMICIDE. A child has murdered another. Sure, a parent would be an accomplice. But, if that parent has live rounds under the SafetyBullets, then its still a loaded gun and the parent is liable in any case.
Sure, those parents had brains. They sure as hell weren't using them, now were they? How hard will it be for a kid to figure out your product? Even if it prevents only one death, how many will it cause from guns being rendered useless? How many will it not prevent, like the afformentioned murderous intent of some kid?
I will never use your product, I will never encourage its use or the negligence your product begets. The only safety device that I will use aside from my BRAIN which controls my actions, therefore determines exactly how safe I am, is a gunsafe, to get the guns out of the open and out of reach of hands I dont want touching them.
Well, like I said, it was restrained. Not alot of coherent stuff is said with "GO TO HELL MOTHERFUCKER, KISS OFF AND DIE!" and the like. Although it sums up my feelings quite well.
people had something to say.
His reply:
Look it up its call CAP laws " Child Access prevention"
Ok Go to googe type in your state and Accidental shooting. Now start reading the stories.
Right look at all the dead kids in your state. They had a brain aslo and thier parents were smart yet they are dead. The cold hard truth unless you do something to end accidental shooting your an accident waiting to happne
The people I am CCing are on my team. I want them to see what I have received in my email so they can prepare themselves for this when we put the Safety Bullet on the market. They can't belive you either!
Well, that just means that your team is made up of people just as moronic as you are!
My response:
Ok, I have had my fill of you. I am hereby blocking you from emaling me. I HAVE TOLD YOU BEFORE: DO NOT FUCKING EMAIL ME AGAIN! AND INVEST IN SOME SPELLING AND GRAMMAR LESSONS!
Like I said before you inbred illiterate moron, my state has no such nonsense as Child Access Prevention Laws. We believe in COMMON SENSE AND PARENTING, which you obviously have no clue about. I encourage parents to be responsible in their gun ownership, and put their guns where kids cant get to them, or to leave them unloaded. By the way, in an earlier email you said that a kid could rack the slide and purposely chamber a round. That is nolonger negligent shooting, it is instead HOMICIDE. A child has murdered another. Sure, a parent would be an accomplice. But, if that parent has live rounds under the SafetyBullets, then its still a loaded gun and the parent is liable in any case.
Sure, those parents had brains. They sure as hell weren't using them, now were they? How hard will it be for a kid to figure out your product? Even if it prevents only one death, how many will it cause from guns being rendered useless? How many will it not prevent, like the afformentioned murderous intent of some kid?
I will never use your product, I will never encourage its use or the negligence your product begets. The only safety device that I will use aside from my BRAIN which controls my actions, therefore determines exactly how safe I am, is a gunsafe, to get the guns out of the open and out of reach of hands I dont want touching them.
Well, like I said, it was restrained. Not alot of coherent stuff is said with "GO TO HELL MOTHERFUCKER, KISS OFF AND DIE!" and the like. Although it sums up my feelings quite well.
people had something to say.
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Safety Bullet?
Safety Bullet, a worthless peice of crap
Ok, let me first apologize to the readers for not posting in a few days. Schedule has been all topsy turvy, and I havent really had a chance to post.
Ok, now what I came here for.
The Safety Bullet is being marketed as a handgun safety device, one that lodges something in the barrel of your semi-auto or renders the cylinder of your revolver immobile. It is supposed to be counteracted by a wooden dowel. The whole point of the product is supposedly to prevent negligent homicides from children playing with guns.
I post frequently on THR and this is where this all started taking place. My handle there is the same as the handle here, Moparmike. A guy called Safety Bullet, has 4 posts (ie a newbie) and has only dropped by to plug his product. He even dredged up an old thread that hadnt been posted on in days just to plug it.
He then decides to email me out of the blue, all because I said "I wouldnt recommend doing this." The exchange follows, undedited:
Email he sent me
Subject: In responce to your post
Gun proff your kids? Go to Google type in Accidental Shooting and start reading the stories then tell me my idea is not the best thing on the market. Its fast, safe, simple and easy to use with no keys or combination locks. SHow me one safety device that is better. By the way if your gun is used in an accidental shooting You got to jail. What Safety Device do you use?
Mike Worley
Inventor of the Safety Bullet
My reply:
Subject Re: In responce to your post
Yes, gun proof the kids. And in my opinion, your invention is not the best idea for the problem. Imagine what happens when your kid finds the gun and points it at his best friend. Ok, his best friend doesnt get shot, but what happens when your kid doesnt think anything has happened or doesnt tell you that he lodged something in your gun? Later that night, someone breaks into your house and you go to action with your gun. You drop the mag, you load a good one, and rack the slide. What you dont know during your adreanaline-soaked rush to save your family from a potential threat is that your gun will instantly KABOOOM in your hand if you need to use it. Or it will be rendered a club if the round doesnt fully seat. So, your invention has just robbed you of the ability to defend your family. Sounds good so far, huh?
And another thing: how will this prevent negligence in people just leaving their firearms laying around? "Its safe, it has The Saftey Bulletâ„¢ in it!"
The whole reason I object to your product is a similar reason I object to chamber indicators and such: It encourages negligence. If people actively take steps to ensure that they are being safe with firearms (storage, handling, teaching), then the risks go down. Kids who find guns and injure themselves are the children of neglectful parents. Parents need to instill the fear of God in their children when it comes to their firearms, and need to actively take steps to ensure that the children cant get to them. Like pistol safes and such.
Subject Re: In responce to your post
Ah, you didn't read the patent info so your responding based on your own conjecture which is bullshit. If you had read the patent you would know that you can't load a new round in the chamber because you can't cycle the action.
So you make assumtions and condemn something based on your own mistaken believes. So what you saying is that saving a kid is second to your haveing a loaded gun. Sad just plain sad.
Tell you what here is a $100 bet. We go to a gun range you get any safety device you want, any! Lets see who can get the gun to fire first. I will win every time.
My response
Subject Re: In responce to your post
1st: My brain is my safety. I dont rely on devices to keep me from doing stupid things, and I dont encourage others to do so either. Keeping my pistol unloaded and in a safe place will be faster to load then to lodge something in the barrel. And I have read your site, btw. I must say again this is not a product you will convince me to use.
2nd: Exactly why have you cc'd this to others? What do you hope to gain?
3rd: I dont have kids.
4th: I am not going to waste time with someone who cannot express himself without addressing someone in such a manner as yours. Good day.
His response there to, which he CC'ed 2 other people:
Ever notice how hard it is to covince someone who is stupid. you can explain something to them all day long but if its over their head they will never get it no matter how many ways you tell them or show them.
CAPs laws Child Access Prevention Laws are in force you are REQUIRED BY LAW to use a safety device. Take any safety device, ANYONE and lets put $100 on the bar. You put your device on and I will use mine - then see who fires first. Me Einstein, I will empty my gun before you can get you triigger lock, cable lock, out of the safe whatever. This safety device is faster than anything ever made. yet if anyone other than you tries to use your gun it locks up. Its SIMPLE> if you can't understand that if you don't know whats in your gun give them to an adult - please!
My response
1. I am not stupid. And no law requires me to keep a safety device on my handgun or long guns. My state has no such Brady Bunch drivel in its lawbooks. Here, we believe in PARENTING and common sense.
2. My saftey device is my brain. I have told you this already.
3. I know what is in my guns: Nothing at the moment.
4. You still have not addressed WHY YOU ARE CC'ING THIS TO OTHERS.
5. Like I said before, I do not exchange correspondence with people who are incapable of arguing their point succinctly and intelligently, and cannot do so without resorting to insults. Do not email me again. You will not convince me to buy or use your product, and the only thing this email exhange has done is earn you a bad reputation on every gun forum I visit. Incase you didn't read it the first time: DO NOT EMAIL ME AGAIN.[/quote]
I have not recieved a reply yet. I shall post it if he does. I thought I was being rather civil during this, and he was being rather rude. Some people I will just tell them off without a second thought, but I suspect that is exactly what he wanted.
I am going to block his emails if he emails me again. I probably should right now.
Personally, I stand by my first response: This product will encourage negligence. We need less products raising our children, and more involved parents. Go ask your grandparents and ask them how dangerous chemicals were stored places that children could reach, because they would have to use them safely like they were taught. Go ask them how many had a gun around, that they knew was loaded, and didnt touch because they knew better? How many of them could go to the hardware store and buy a .22lr rifle if they wanted, even at the age of 12? I am only 20, but there are some things I refuse to let raise my future children. Fear is one of them. Prudence, on the other hand, is one of the many things that helps raise children. Like pluging wall sockets. If you are storing guns where your children can easily reach them before you have tought them gun safety (like "DONT TOUCH"), you are a MORON.
One other thing: This guy might want to invest in some spelling and grammar lessons. If he is going to be taken serious as an entrepreneur, then he is going to have to communicate well.
What do yall think?
people had something to say.
Ok, let me first apologize to the readers for not posting in a few days. Schedule has been all topsy turvy, and I havent really had a chance to post.
Ok, now what I came here for.
The Safety Bullet is being marketed as a handgun safety device, one that lodges something in the barrel of your semi-auto or renders the cylinder of your revolver immobile. It is supposed to be counteracted by a wooden dowel. The whole point of the product is supposedly to prevent negligent homicides from children playing with guns.
I post frequently on THR and this is where this all started taking place. My handle there is the same as the handle here, Moparmike. A guy called Safety Bullet, has 4 posts (ie a newbie) and has only dropped by to plug his product. He even dredged up an old thread that hadnt been posted on in days just to plug it.
He then decides to email me out of the blue, all because I said "I wouldnt recommend doing this." The exchange follows, undedited:
Email he sent me
Subject: In responce to your post
Gun proff your kids? Go to Google type in Accidental Shooting and start reading the stories then tell me my idea is not the best thing on the market. Its fast, safe, simple and easy to use with no keys or combination locks. SHow me one safety device that is better. By the way if your gun is used in an accidental shooting You got to jail. What Safety Device do you use?
Mike Worley
Inventor of the Safety Bullet
My reply:
Subject Re: In responce to your post
Yes, gun proof the kids. And in my opinion, your invention is not the best idea for the problem. Imagine what happens when your kid finds the gun and points it at his best friend. Ok, his best friend doesnt get shot, but what happens when your kid doesnt think anything has happened or doesnt tell you that he lodged something in your gun? Later that night, someone breaks into your house and you go to action with your gun. You drop the mag, you load a good one, and rack the slide. What you dont know during your adreanaline-soaked rush to save your family from a potential threat is that your gun will instantly KABOOOM in your hand if you need to use it. Or it will be rendered a club if the round doesnt fully seat. So, your invention has just robbed you of the ability to defend your family. Sounds good so far, huh?
And another thing: how will this prevent negligence in people just leaving their firearms laying around? "Its safe, it has The Saftey Bulletâ„¢ in it!"
The whole reason I object to your product is a similar reason I object to chamber indicators and such: It encourages negligence. If people actively take steps to ensure that they are being safe with firearms (storage, handling, teaching), then the risks go down. Kids who find guns and injure themselves are the children of neglectful parents. Parents need to instill the fear of God in their children when it comes to their firearms, and need to actively take steps to ensure that the children cant get to them. Like pistol safes and such.
Subject Re: In responce to your post
Ah, you didn't read the patent info so your responding based on your own conjecture which is bullshit. If you had read the patent you would know that you can't load a new round in the chamber because you can't cycle the action.
So you make assumtions and condemn something based on your own mistaken believes. So what you saying is that saving a kid is second to your haveing a loaded gun. Sad just plain sad.
Tell you what here is a $100 bet. We go to a gun range you get any safety device you want, any! Lets see who can get the gun to fire first. I will win every time.
My response
Subject Re: In responce to your post
1st: My brain is my safety. I dont rely on devices to keep me from doing stupid things, and I dont encourage others to do so either. Keeping my pistol unloaded and in a safe place will be faster to load then to lodge something in the barrel. And I have read your site, btw. I must say again this is not a product you will convince me to use.
2nd: Exactly why have you cc'd this to others? What do you hope to gain?
3rd: I dont have kids.
4th: I am not going to waste time with someone who cannot express himself without addressing someone in such a manner as yours. Good day.
His response there to, which he CC'ed 2 other people:
Ever notice how hard it is to covince someone who is stupid. you can explain something to them all day long but if its over their head they will never get it no matter how many ways you tell them or show them.
CAPs laws Child Access Prevention Laws are in force you are REQUIRED BY LAW to use a safety device. Take any safety device, ANYONE and lets put $100 on the bar. You put your device on and I will use mine - then see who fires first. Me Einstein, I will empty my gun before you can get you triigger lock, cable lock, out of the safe whatever. This safety device is faster than anything ever made. yet if anyone other than you tries to use your gun it locks up. Its SIMPLE> if you can't understand that if you don't know whats in your gun give them to an adult - please!
My response
1. I am not stupid. And no law requires me to keep a safety device on my handgun or long guns. My state has no such Brady Bunch drivel in its lawbooks. Here, we believe in PARENTING and common sense.
2. My saftey device is my brain. I have told you this already.
3. I know what is in my guns: Nothing at the moment.
4. You still have not addressed WHY YOU ARE CC'ING THIS TO OTHERS.
5. Like I said before, I do not exchange correspondence with people who are incapable of arguing their point succinctly and intelligently, and cannot do so without resorting to insults. Do not email me again. You will not convince me to buy or use your product, and the only thing this email exhange has done is earn you a bad reputation on every gun forum I visit. Incase you didn't read it the first time: DO NOT EMAIL ME AGAIN.[/quote]
I have not recieved a reply yet. I shall post it if he does. I thought I was being rather civil during this, and he was being rather rude. Some people I will just tell them off without a second thought, but I suspect that is exactly what he wanted.
I am going to block his emails if he emails me again. I probably should right now.
Personally, I stand by my first response: This product will encourage negligence. We need less products raising our children, and more involved parents. Go ask your grandparents and ask them how dangerous chemicals were stored places that children could reach, because they would have to use them safely like they were taught. Go ask them how many had a gun around, that they knew was loaded, and didnt touch because they knew better? How many of them could go to the hardware store and buy a .22lr rifle if they wanted, even at the age of 12? I am only 20, but there are some things I refuse to let raise my future children. Fear is one of them. Prudence, on the other hand, is one of the many things that helps raise children. Like pluging wall sockets. If you are storing guns where your children can easily reach them before you have tought them gun safety (like "DONT TOUCH"), you are a MORON.
One other thing: This guy might want to invest in some spelling and grammar lessons. If he is going to be taken serious as an entrepreneur, then he is going to have to communicate well.
What do yall think?
people had something to say.
Monday, May 17, 2004
U.S. athletes told to cool it at Olympics
U.S. athletes told to show pride in America during Olympics : "The plan is part of a charm offensive aimed at repairing the country's international reputation after the deepening crisis in Iraq and damaging revelations of the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. forces at the Abu Ghraib prison. "
Let me paraphrase Mr. Spock: If I were an Olympic competitor, I believe my response would be: "Go to Hell." If I were an Olympic competitor.
Seriously, people displaying pride in being from their respective nations is part of what the Olympic Games is all about. People from all countries and all walks of life coming together, being proud to be who they are, competing against eachother to see who is the best, congratulating the victors and all competitors on a job well done, and then going home to train for the next Olympiad. These people need to get a check-up from the neck-up.
people had something to say.
Let me paraphrase Mr. Spock: If I were an Olympic competitor, I believe my response would be: "Go to Hell." If I were an Olympic competitor.
Seriously, people displaying pride in being from their respective nations is part of what the Olympic Games is all about. People from all countries and all walks of life coming together, being proud to be who they are, competing against eachother to see who is the best, congratulating the victors and all competitors on a job well done, and then going home to train for the next Olympiad. These people need to get a check-up from the neck-up.
people had something to say.
Sarin Nerve Agent Bomb Explodes in Iraq
Iraq's WMD status still being debated...
"The chemicals were inside an artillery shell dating to the Saddam Hussein era that had been rigged as a bomb in Baghdad, said Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, the chief military spokesman in Iraq."
"Earlier this month, some trace residue of mustard agent, an older type of chemical weapon, was detected in an artillery shell found in a Baghdad street, a U.S. official in Washington said on condition of anonymity. The shell was believed to be from one of Saddam's old stockpiles, and was not regarded as evidence of recent weapons of mass destruction production in Iraq."
"While Saturday's explosion does demonstrate that Saddam hadn't complied fully with U.N. resolutions, Kay also said, "It doesn't strike me as a big deal." "
SARIN Nerve Gas doesnt strike you as a big deal? Are you retarded?
"Iraq declared that between 1984 and 1990, it produced 795 tons of Sarin-type agents. About 732 tons were put in bombs, rockets and missile warheads. Iraq further declared that about 650 tons were consumed during the period 1985 to 1988, which included the Iran-Iraq war, and 35 tons were destroyed through aerial bombardment during the Gulf war in 1991.
Iraq destroyed 127 tons of Sarin-type agents under U.N. supervision, including 76 tons in bulk and 51 tons from munitions."
Ok, lets do a little math, shall we?
795 - 650 = 145
145 - 35 = 110
110 - 127 = -17 tons. WTF?
If they didnt declare the extra 17 tons (or its an accounting error), what is to say he didnt have more? I realize it is a logical fallacy in that you cannot prove a negative, but he was tasked to prove he did destroy his WMD's before the invasion. The UN resolution said that we would come after him if he didnt. (Nevermind the fact that the UN has the approximate testicular fortitude of a neutered dog without the US.)
Nope, he didnt have WMD's, did he? Morons.
people had something to say.
"The chemicals were inside an artillery shell dating to the Saddam Hussein era that had been rigged as a bomb in Baghdad, said Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, the chief military spokesman in Iraq."
"Earlier this month, some trace residue of mustard agent, an older type of chemical weapon, was detected in an artillery shell found in a Baghdad street, a U.S. official in Washington said on condition of anonymity. The shell was believed to be from one of Saddam's old stockpiles, and was not regarded as evidence of recent weapons of mass destruction production in Iraq."
"While Saturday's explosion does demonstrate that Saddam hadn't complied fully with U.N. resolutions, Kay also said, "It doesn't strike me as a big deal." "
SARIN Nerve Gas doesnt strike you as a big deal? Are you retarded?
"Iraq declared that between 1984 and 1990, it produced 795 tons of Sarin-type agents. About 732 tons were put in bombs, rockets and missile warheads. Iraq further declared that about 650 tons were consumed during the period 1985 to 1988, which included the Iran-Iraq war, and 35 tons were destroyed through aerial bombardment during the Gulf war in 1991.
Iraq destroyed 127 tons of Sarin-type agents under U.N. supervision, including 76 tons in bulk and 51 tons from munitions."
Ok, lets do a little math, shall we?
795 - 650 = 145
145 - 35 = 110
110 - 127 = -17 tons. WTF?
If they didnt declare the extra 17 tons (or its an accounting error), what is to say he didnt have more? I realize it is a logical fallacy in that you cannot prove a negative, but he was tasked to prove he did destroy his WMD's before the invasion. The UN resolution said that we would come after him if he didnt. (Nevermind the fact that the UN has the approximate testicular fortitude of a neutered dog without the US.)
Nope, he didnt have WMD's, did he? Morons.
people had something to say.
Gay Marriage
Same-sex couples begin exchanging vows in Massachusetts
Ok, so some gay people got married. So what? And we have Bush calling for the banning of it. He wants the government to get involved in a purely religious event. Ooopsie, it would appear that someone keeps forgetting the place of the government.
For the record, I DO NOT support homosexual rights. I support EQUAL rights for everyone. The government should get completely out of the marriage business, as it is just a tax. No one should have to pay to get married, or get a liscense to do so. Marriage is a religous institution. Only churches should determine who they will marry. Like I have said before, I have known and know gay people. My barber/hairdresser/whatever is gay. He is also a Wiccan priest and will perform ceremonies.
Government should get out of the marriage business, or make everyone apply for a civil union. 2 names on a piece of paper. Then they go and find a church to wed them. Simple.
people had something to say.
Ok, so some gay people got married. So what? And we have Bush calling for the banning of it. He wants the government to get involved in a purely religious event. Ooopsie, it would appear that someone keeps forgetting the place of the government.
For the record, I DO NOT support homosexual rights. I support EQUAL rights for everyone. The government should get completely out of the marriage business, as it is just a tax. No one should have to pay to get married, or get a liscense to do so. Marriage is a religous institution. Only churches should determine who they will marry. Like I have said before, I have known and know gay people. My barber/hairdresser/whatever is gay. He is also a Wiccan priest and will perform ceremonies.
Government should get out of the marriage business, or make everyone apply for a civil union. 2 names on a piece of paper. Then they go and find a church to wed them. Simple.
people had something to say.
The Firing Line is coming back up...
The Firing Line is coming back up, after a 17mo hiatus. Just in time too. TheHighRoad has experienced some recent upheavals, namely in the Legal and Political forum, which is meeting with marked displeasure. Sure, it's Oleg's board to do with as he sees fit, but when your second most popular forum is in trouble, you start smacking hands and punishing the troublemakers, not punish the whole forum of 11,000 members by restricting a forum so much that its name doesnt even apply anymore. "Legal & Political" sounds like a place to talk about laws and politics, and current events that fall in that description. This includes scandals, current and past administrations, laws in effect and bills in legislatures, the actions of judges, etc. Just because some morons started spouting generalized hate* doesnt mean you punish everybody. You punish the violators. Enforcing the current rules would have been just as effective. I, like another poster on THR, find it ironic that the "administration" called for more rules, instead of enforcing the perfectly good ones we had. The rules we had provided the basis for the most civilized firearms forum on the web.
If Oleg or any of the THR moderating staff are reading this, please know that I hold no grudge against you. Like I mentioned before, it is your call to do what you will with your property. I just dont believe that alienating a couple thousand active posters out of 11,000 because of less than a dozen people is a proper action. YMMV.
I look foward to TFL, where the L&P section reads: "Round table discussions range from the Bill of Rights, to concealed carry, to general political issues."
*A few people started calling for the destruction of all Muslims. I would instead call for the destruction of all terrorists, as Islam is a religion of peace. Remember, 1.299 Billion Muslims didnt call for the destruction of "infadels." Should the actions of less than 1,000,000 people (and that is a VERY generous estimate) determine the fate of 1,299,000,000?
people had something to say.
If Oleg or any of the THR moderating staff are reading this, please know that I hold no grudge against you. Like I mentioned before, it is your call to do what you will with your property. I just dont believe that alienating a couple thousand active posters out of 11,000 because of less than a dozen people is a proper action. YMMV.
I look foward to TFL, where the L&P section reads: "Round table discussions range from the Bill of Rights, to concealed carry, to general political issues."
*A few people started calling for the destruction of all Muslims. I would instead call for the destruction of all terrorists, as Islam is a religion of peace. Remember, 1.299 Billion Muslims didnt call for the destruction of "infadels." Should the actions of less than 1,000,000 people (and that is a VERY generous estimate) determine the fate of 1,299,000,000?
people had something to say.
Sunday, May 16, 2004
You may have noticed...
You may have noticed that I havent been posting much if at all about the current events in Iraq. Well, its easily explained: I really dont have much of value to add. Am I outraged? You bet your ass I am outraged. Would I kill every extremist Muslim terrorist who defiles the very name of Islam by commiting such heinous acts in the name of a religion of peace, if I were supplied with a "magic button" to do so? Damn skippy, I would.
But, I am slightly more outraged by something here at home. And my reason for my desire to beat the anti-American snot right out of 75% of the media is best explained with a cartoon that seems to describe the plan of action of the media that so sorely needs an ass-kicking:
Cox & Forkum: The Good, The Bad, The Media Brought to you by Beagle Express.
If only it werent true...
people had something to say.
But, I am slightly more outraged by something here at home. And my reason for my desire to beat the anti-American snot right out of 75% of the media is best explained with a cartoon that seems to describe the plan of action of the media that so sorely needs an ass-kicking:

Cox & Forkum: The Good, The Bad, The Media Brought to you by Beagle Express.
If only it werent true...
people had something to say.